- Contact
- About
- Curriculum Guides
- Cycle Breakdown
- NJ Student Learning Standards
- Program of Studies
- Standardized Assessments
- ML Program
- Additional Resources
Assistant Superintendent
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (908) 231-8500 x8620
Supervisor of PreK-4 Education
Supervisor of Counseling
Howie Horowitz
Supervisor of Health & PE
Christa Mawn
STEAM Supervisor
Curriculum & Instruction Vision Statement
The vision of the Manville School District Curriculum Office is to create a progressive learning environment with an engaging, comprehensive, and rigorous curriculum that prepares all students to be a productive member of a global society. By providing a 21st Century student-centered classroom with a climate that celebrates diversity and individuality, the Curriculum Office will build strong, proud, and independent individuals, who respond ethically to diverse challenges as well as possess a passion with a desire for problem-solving, learning, and teaching. The Curriculum Office aims to foster a collaborative learning community that allows individuals to think critically and independently, express themselves creatively, and reflect on their own learning and personal growth.
English Language Arts
The Manville Language Arts Curriculum is developed so all students are given the opportunity to reach his/her educational potential. The program is based on the Balanced Literacy approach that enables students to think logically, creatively, and critically while expressing ideas in spoken, written and non-verbal forms of communication. Through the use of this program students will be able to organize, evaluate and apply information. Students will be actively engaged through differentiated instruction in meaningful and purposeful reading and writing experiences on a daily basis. Students’ progress will be monitored using state recommended rubrics, portfolios, and authentic assessment. Our program is intended to support the learning of all students through challenging activities that bring students to higher levels of performance. The Language Arts Curriculum is aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Teachers utilize multiple resources to provide instruction targeted to their students' needs.
All students in the Manville School District will experience success while demonstrating growth in Mathematics by engaging in student-centered learning and problem-solving through modeling, reasoning, and higher-level thinking. Students will be provided with high quality and challenging experiences, based on the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, which will empower them to approach mathematics in a spirit of perseverance and inquiry enabling them to seek success throughout life in an ever-changing environment.
All students of Manville School District will achieve excellence in music through the implementation of a music curriculum that is aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. This success will be achieved through the development of the district curriculum, which emphasizes human, social, and economic growth through dance, music, theater, and visual art. This is a critical part of the student's professional success as we move into the twenty-first century.
The Manville School District vision for music education is based on the concept that music is an essential part of life, integral in the development of the whole person, and a vital component for the advancement of civilization. The quality of life is improved by physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth experiences through a meaningful, sequential study in music.
A comprehensive music education engages learners in developing self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, creativity, and self-motivation necessary for success. The skills and technical qualities involved in creating, re-creating, and interpreting works in the fine arts provide for lifelong appreciation. Our vision is that Manville students will engage in the arts at a deeply enriching level for them, their families, and their communities.
Physical Education and Health
All students of the Manville School District will achieve excellence in Health and Physical Education through the implementation of effective, scientifically based, and research-based programs, which are aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education. The program is designed to provide the students with the knowledge and skills they need to live a healthy life. Using quality programs that are project-based, interactive, and student-centered, the students will be encouraged to participate in cooperative team building, classroom discussion, research, modeling activities, and skills practice. The Health and Physical Education Program is designed to promote each student’s optimal mental, emotional, physical, and social development by empowering the students to develop and demonstrate knowledge, skills, attitudes, and practices that promote their health and wellness. Communications, decision-making, planning and goal setting, character development, leader’s advocacy, and service, and health services and careers will be integrated into every Health and Physical Education standard. Every Health and Physical Education standard supports interdisciplinary instruction integrated with technology across all content areas. In achieving this vision, students will acquire and apply the knowledge and skills necessary to support their well-being and to live a happy, healthy, and safe life.
Social Studies
All students of the Manville School District will achieve excellence through the implementation of an aligned curriculum that focuses on an increase in reading and writing proficiency, while reading and thinking critically through the use of informational texts and hands-on activities. Success will be achieved through the development of a district curriculum, which emphasizes higher-order thinking skills, cooperative team-building, problem-solving, and interdisciplinary activities. An additional focus of the curriculum is the integration of technology-based research projects. The students will have the ability to understand their world and have an appreciation for the heritage of America with a high degree of literacy in civics, history, economics, and geography. In achieving this vision, students will acquire and apply the skills necessary to appreciate the complexities of social and historical issues.
All students of the Manville School District will achieve excellence in science through the implementation of an inquiry-based, hands-on science curriculum, which is aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). This success is achieved through the development of a district curriculum which emphasizes higher-order thinking skills, cooperative team-building, problem-solving, development of evidence based writing, and interdisciplinary activities. The Manville School District will place an emphasis on the incorporation of STEM initiatives and awareness of human impact on the environment and society.
All students of the Manville School District will achieve excellence through the implementation of an investigative, hands-on curriculum that is aligned with the Technology Literacy and the Career Education and Consumer, Family, and Life Skills New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Students will develop computer literacy through a curriculum that focuses on critical thinking, problem-solving, and technological design. The students will be able to process information, select equipment and tools, apply the technology to specific tasks, troubleshoot the equipment, analyze the systems, and design new strategies and equipment to improve the system. All students in Manville will have an understanding of technology design and systems, which will enable them to function in today’s complex society and become informed and productive adults of tomorrow.
Visual Arts
All students of the Manville School District will pursue excellence in visual arts through the implementation of a problem based learning, hands-on art curriculum, aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and designed to facilitate the transfer of knowledge. This success will be achieved through the development of a district curriculum, which emphasizes higher-order thinking skills, collaborative team-building, problem-solving, and interdisciplinary activities. An additional focus of the curriculum is the integration of technology-based research projects. Students will be nurtured and supported in an equitable environment as they explore and discover. All students will increase their knowledge of the world around them and be able to apply that knowledge to real-world situations.
World Language
The World Languages Program at Manville School District is an essential component in the 21st Century. The study of another language and culture enables individuals, whether functioning as citizens or workers, to communicate face-to-face and by virtual means in appropriate ways with people from diverse cultures. The program promotes linguistic and cultural literacy while cultivating a life-long appreciation and enthusiasm for languages and the cultures they reflect. The mission is to enable students to attain the skills necessary to listen, speak, read, and write in a language other than English to prepare them for a productive role in the global community. The learners will use three modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal and presentational in the five goal areas for language learning and instruction: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities.
Curriculum Guides
Revised curriculum guides will be posted as they are board approved.
Cycle Breakdown
The Curriculum Cycle Breakdown
The Manville School Curriculum Cycle is a 3-step process. All curricula is analyzed, implemented and revised in a systematic and collaborative manner. The curricula process begins with an evaluation of the district’s current program and explores new program options. The new curricula is then drafted in the summer and implemented during the following school year.
Year 1:
Curriculum Evaluation and Development
- Review current research, exemplary practices and national and state standards
- Review and revise Vision Statement
- Meet and collaborate with colleagues
- Gather input from staff and articulate across grade levels
- Draft curricula using the template available on OnCourse
- Purchase materials, supplies and other essential materials to support implementation
- Infuse Language Arts, technology and other content area into curriculum
- Plan staff development opportunities to support implementation of the new curricula
Year 2:
Implementations of New Curricula
- Offer professional development opportunities to support implementation
- Monitor and support the implementation of curricula
- Administration supervision of implementation of the curriculum
- Collect and summarize data on evidence of student learning
Year 3:
Implementations and Revisions
- Continue to monitor the implementation of the curriculum
- Continue with professional development opportunities
- Identify area in need of revision
- Draft revisions
- Implement revisions to the curriculum to meet learning goals
- Continue collecting formative assessment data and evidence of student learning
- Finalize revisions
NJ Student Learning Standards
Program of Studies
Standardized Assessments
ML Program
ML Program Mission Statement
The Mission of the ML program in Manville School District is to provide English instruction and support for English language learners. Our ML program provides a supportive school environment that reinforces and encourages students' pride in culture, home, and community, in order to encourage student success. The ML program provides students with systematic instruction, in a content-rich, high standards curriculum. The curriculum is aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for Language Arts Literacy, the WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards, and the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Goals.