Human Resources
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Our District Mission Statement
We believe in the potential of our students, the ability of our teachers and administrators, and the support of our parents and community.
Every Child. Every Day.
The Human Resources Department works toward hiring dedicated staff members who are passionate, contribute to a diverse and changing world and understand the importance of delivering quality education to our students. Our focus remains on the children of our district, and as such, we seek teachers, administrators and support staff who best meet the requirements for fulfilling this vision.
Audra Burns
Human Resources Manager and Affirmative Action Officer
Telephone: (908) 231-8500 X8557
and NJ Sexual Misconduct Forms
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action in our District
Affirmative Action, as described by The American Heritage Dictionary, is a policy or a program, that seeks to redress past discrimination through active measures to ensure equal opportunity, as in education and employment.
Human Resources Department and the District Administrative Team, serve to promote and further the District's commitment to diversity and equal opportunity for employment. We foster and support an environment that is inclusive, respectful, and free from discrimination and harassment.
Complaint of Alleged Sexual Harassment -
Student:Student Incident Interview Form
Employment Opportunities
Join Our Team!
Thank you for your interest in becoming a substitute in the Manville School District. Substitutes are an integral part of the student learning process. We are looking for qualified, compassionate, responsible, dedicated individuals who are passionate about education and the future of our students. Substitute teaching is a great opportunity to be a mentor and help students become the best version of themselves. We are currently hiring substitute
- teachers,
- paraprofessionals,
- nurses,
- school secretaries
- and custodians.
Attention all retirees!!!
Governor Murphy recently signed two new laws, P.L. 2021, c. 296 (Chapter 296), and P.L. 2021, c. 408 (Chapter 408), which waive re-enrollment into the Teachers’ Pension and Annuity Fund (TPAF) for certain retirees hired for temporary employment.
Chapter 296
Effective November 8, 2021, Chapter 296 permits a certified school nurse who is retired from the TPAF to return to employment as a certified school nurse without re-enrollment in the TPAF. Reemployment must be on a contractual basis for a term of not more than one year; however, the board of education may renew the contract for one additional year provided that the total period of employment does not exceed a two-year period.
Chapter 408
Effective January 18, 2022, Chapter 408 permits a teacher, or professional staff member who provides special services, and who is retired from the TPAF to return to employment without re-enrollment in the TPAF. Reemployment must be on a contractual basis for a term of not more than one year; however, the board of education may renew the contract for one additional year provided that the total period of employment does not exceed a two-year period. Chapter 408 further stipulates that reemployment of a teacher, or professional staff member who provides special services, must commence only during the 2021-2022 or 2022-2023 school year.
To be eligible for temporary employment without re-enrollment, the retiree must have a complete severance from his or her former employer for at least 30 days from the date of retirement or the date of Board of Trustee approval, whichever is later.
The retiree and the employer cannot have engaged in any pre-planning prior to retirement for a return to employment.
In the case of a retiree reemployed with the same employer from which he or she retired, there must also be a complete severance from his or her former employer for at least 180 days.
Employers are required to submit the Notification of Employment After Retirement whenever hiring a retired public employee. The notification must be completed and returned to the NJDPB within 15 calendar days after the employee’s date of hire. The employer must also notify the NJDPB when the employee’s services have been terminated.
Additional information on retiree Notification of Employment After Retirement can be found on the NJDPB website at: Division of Pensions & Benefits and select Publications in the blue navigation bar.
If you have questions regarding any of the information provided, please contact NJDPB’s Office of Client Services at (609) 292-7524, or email NJDPB at:
504 Compliance
Leave of Absence
Process for Leave of Absence
Contractual employees may be eligible for various types of Leaves of Absences as defined by Federal and State law, and by contract. Leaves may either be paid or unpaid depending on earned, accrued paid time off with the District, and may also qualify for benefits under the New Jersey Family Leave Act.
All LOAs require Board approval.
When applying for a Leave of Absence, you must follow the following process:
- The employee must submit notice of proposed Leave for Absence by letter or email. The original notice must be sent to the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Jamil Maroun, and Audra Burns in Human Resources, with copies to the Building Principal/Department Supervisor, Tiffany Zona, Payroll/Benefits Coord, and Jen Sanders, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent's office. The following information should be included in the request: (a) Name, (b) Position/Job Title, (c) School Location, (d) type of leave being requested (e.g. maternity, medical, etc.), (e) start date of the leave and expected date of return from the leave, and (f) indicate any available paid time off days to be utilized. (Example letter)
- Have your Physician complete the "Certification of Health Care Provider Form". (Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee)
- All requests and documents must be submitted sixty (60) days in advance of the requested leave date unless an unforeseen emergency occurs.
- All Leave requests must be Board approved prior to your requested Leave of Absence start date.
- If you need to change or extend leave, you must complete the request for change of approved Leave of Absence Form as well as a Certification of Health Care Provider Form supporting your request at least 10 days prior to the end of leave date.
Maternity Leave / Child Rearing Leave
- Employees are granted 4 weeks before and 4-6 weeks after, depending on the birth. If you are in need of a longer leave based on a disability, please provide a doctor's certificate.
- If you do not have enough sick days to cover your maternity leave, you will be placed on unpaid leave for the time you are off.
- If you are on unpaid leave, MSD does not pay into your pension. You can buy back your time if you would like. For more information contact: Payroll/Pension, Tiffany Zona.
- Health Benefits. Do you receive our Health Benefits? If so, please contact Audra Burns for specific questions.
- NJ Family Leave Insurance is offered by the State of NJ. This insurance allows you to be paid a portion of your salary for 12 weeks during your unpaid leave. You may use this within a 12-month period from the date of birth of your child. An application must be filed online along with your newborn's birth certificate. (Division of Temporary Disability and Family Leave Insurance)
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
What is FMLA? The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that entitles eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of job-protected unpaid leave within a 12-month period. Health benefits will continue to be provided during the period of leave taken pursuant to the FMLA.
FMLA leave may be used for any of the following reasons:
- For the birth and care of the newborn child of an employee;
- For placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care;
- To care for an immediate family member (i.e., spouse, child, or parent) with a serious health condition; or
- To take medical leave when the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition.
Additionally, the FMLA also provides military family leave entitlements.
To be eligible for FMLA leave, an employee must have worked for at least 12 months and worked 1,250 hours over a 12-month period. Employees may take FMLA leave on an intermittent or reduced schedule basis in some circumstances. The FMLA and its related regulations further allow school districts to restrict when and how leave may be taken in some circumstances to prevent significant disruption to academy instruction. Board members may wish to review their district’s policies on notice requirements for FMLA leave.
The employee must submit a certification from a healthcare provider in support of a leave request when the employee requests leave for the employee’s own serious health condition or a covered family member’s serious health condition. Additionally, the District may require second or third medical opinion at the expense of the employer and periodic recertification of the serious health condition.
For additional information on FMLA, please visit US Department of Labor
New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA)
NJFLA allows employees up to 12 weeks of job-protected family leave for every 24-month period to employees of covered employers to care for a new child or a family member with a serious medical condition.
NJFLA has expanded the definition of “child” to include foster children and those children who have been conceived using a gestational carrier agreement. The act now provides periods of leave for adoptions; placement of a child into foster care with the employee; childbirth, including childbirth under a valid agreement between an employee and a gestational carrier; and the serious health condition of the employee’s family member.
Significantly, the law expands the definition of “family member” to include parent-in-law, sibling, grandparent, and “any other individual related by blood to the employee and any other individual that the employee shows to have a close association with the employee, which is the equivalent of a family relationship.”
In conjunction with the above, employees may now take “intermittent” leave upon the birth, adoption or foster care placement of a child without the approval of the employer. Previously, leave for these purposes could only be taken on a consecutive basis unless there was express approval of the employer to take the leave intermittently.
Lastly, the amount of advance notice required will be reduced from 30 days to 15 days when requesting intermittent leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition. For other leave requests, the notice requirement remains 30 days.
Members are reminded that NJFLA is only for the care of others and does not cover an employee’s leave to attend to his or her own medical conditions. As discussed in the prior section, the FMLA continues to provide protected leave for an individual to care for his or her own medical conditions and is unchanged by amendments made to the NJFLA.
NJFLA Website: https://www.myleavebenefits.
NJ Family Leave Insurance Law (NJFLI)
New Jersey’s temporary disability insurance program provides paid family leave benefits. These benefits are funded through mandatory employee contributions to the “Family Temporary Disability Leave Account” (FTD), which is part of the state-run Temporary Disability Insurance Fund.
This fund is administered by the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development and you must apply directly with the state (link provided below).
Payment of benefits to an individual are prohibited:
- for more than six weeks with respect to any one period of family temporary disability leave commencing before July 1, 2020 and more than 12 weeks if the period of leave commences on or after July 1, 2020, or for more than 42 days with respect to any one period of family temporary disability leave commencing before July 1, 2020, and more than 56 days if the period of leave commences on or after July 1, 2020, and is taken on an intermittent basis….
N.J.S.A. 43:21-39(b)(2).
An employee may take family temporary disability leave to:
- Provide care for a family member due to a “serious health condition of the family member;”
- Be with a child during the first 12 months after the birth of the child if the individual or the individual’s domestic or civil union partner is a biological parent of the child, or “is a parent of the child pursuant to a valid gestational carrier agreement;”
- Be with a child during the first 12 months “after the placement of [a] child for adoption or as a foster child with the individual;” or
- Engage in activities for which the employee may take unpaid leave as per the New Jersey Security and Financial Empowerment (SAFE) Act.
The definition of “serious health condition,” “family member,” and “child” mirrors the definitions provided under the NJFLA.
If the employee is eligible for NJFLA or FMLA, the employee must take paid FTD concurrently with those leaves. An employer may permit the employee to use available sick days, vacation or other paid leave, prior to receiving FTD benefits. However, any paid time off days used are in addition to, and not in place of, days that the employee may receive under the FTD disability benefit.
The employee must provide 30 days’ notice for continuous (uninterrupted) leave for a new child before the leave commences. For intermittent leave for a new child, the employee must make reasonable effort to schedule leave so that it does not unduly disrupt operations, and provide not less than 15 days’ notice for intermittent leave before benefits are paid for such leave. For continuous leave requested for the care of a seriously ill family member, the employee must give prior notice in a reasonable and practical manner, unless emergency or unforeseen circumstances preclude it, and make reasonable effort to schedule leave so that it does not unduly disrupt operations. For intermittent leave for the care of a seriously ill family member, barring emergency or unforeseen circumstances, the employee must provide 15 days’ notice and, again, make reasonable effort to schedule leave so that it does not unduly disrupt operations.
The law requires a certification from a health care provider to support a period of family temporary disability leave, with substantially similar requirements to certifications submitted pursuant to the NJFLA.
While the law provides no independent entitlement to job restoration, be aware that the employee may be protected by a myriad of other provisions, including, but not limited to, FMLA, FLA, tenure, or by provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
NJ FLI Website:
Apply directly with the state:
*Please take note that employees of educational institutions are not eligible for FLI benefits during school-wide recess or between academic years when they have a reasonable assurance of returning to work in the same or similar capacity.
Military Leave
Certified staff members shall be granted military leave pursuant to NJSA 38:23-1, NJSA 38:23-4, and NJSA 38A:4-4.
Job Descriptions
Assistant Principal
Assistant Superintendent
of Curriculum and Instruction
Athletic Director
Athletic Trainer
Bilingual Education Teacher
Business Administrator/
Board Secretary
Computer Technician
Confidential Administrative
Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Confidential Secretary to
Business Administrator
Department Leader
Director of Special Services
District Supervisor
Elementary Education
Executive Secretary
to Superintendent
Guidance Counselor
Hall Monitor
Health and Physical
Education Teacher
Instructional Assistant
K–12 Art Teacher
K–12 Subject Area Teacher
Learning Disabilities
Teacher -Consultant
Library Media Specialist
Maintenance Person
Payroll Clerk
Playground Cafeteria
Preschool Coordinator
School Nurse
School Secretary
Secretary to Director
of Special Services
Social Worker
Special Education
Structured Learning
Experience Coordinator
Student Photographer
Substance Awareness Coordinator/Student
Assistance Counselor
Substitute Teacher
Chief School
Buildings & Grounds
Technology Assistant
Vice Principal:
ABIS Middle School
Athletic Director