Welcome to the Weston School Counseling Page!

  • School Counselor

    Welcome back! :)

    Throughout the school year, we will be working with students through classroom lessons, small group counseling, and/or individual counseling. As the School Counselors, we are also  members of the Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Team and the Anti-Bullying Specialist for Weston Elementary School.

    We are looking forward to a successful school year and to ensure this success, it is important that we maintain open communication. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year. Our door is always open.

    Please feel free to reach Dana via email, dcorrenti@manvillesd.org or by phone, 908. 231. 8500 x 8564 with any questions or concerns. Kristin is also available via email kstranieri@manvillesd.org or by phone 908.231.8500 x 8562.

    We look forward to working with all the students and families at Weston!