Phone: (908) 231-8500


Degrees and Certifications:

Georgian Court University; B.A. Special Education; Teacher of the Handicapped; Wilson Reading Systems

Mrs. Kathrine D'Angelo

I have been a proud member of the Manville School District since 1992.  Every year I have had the pleasure to teach wonderful students. I love getting to know my students both academically and personally. Developing a positive teacher-student relationship is very important to me. Knowing and understanding my students provides me with strategies to meet the wide range of individual needs within the classroom. Every day I strive to motivate and engage my students by providing learning experiences that are both educational and exciting. As a result, there is always the sound of laughter within my classroom. By promoting an environment of pride in one’s work, students are held to high standards and levels of expectations. Therefore, I feel my greatest contribution to our school district is my passion for inspiring my students to have fun, learn, and always do their best!  It is a pleasure to work in such a wonderful school district.