• Welcome to 1st Grade!!!

    Miss DiNardo

    Room 15

    Welcome to First Grade in Room 15! My name is Miss DiNardo and I am thrilled to say that I will be your 1st grade teacher this year. I am so EXCITED to spend this year learning and growing with you! First grade is an awesome year where you will develop a love for reading and the knowledge for math. We have a very thrilling year ahead of us!



                            Dear Students,
                                 I believe in you.
                                 I am here for you.
                                 I know you are capable.
                                 I expect great things from you.
                                 I'll never give up on you.
                                 You are important.
                                 You are listened to.
                                 You will succeed.
                                 We're in this together.
                                                      Miss DiNardo 


     A Pep Talk from Kid President to You... (Click Here)