Emergency Closing Information
Please review all “home” procedures with your child in the event of an emergency closing or early dismissal. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that all emergency contact/pick-up information is updated and that childcare arrangements are in place.
School Closings/Delayed Openings/Emergency Early Dismissals
The following procedures will govern the unscheduled closing of school for the entire school day, the delayed opening of school, and the early closing of school(s). No single set of rules can anticipate the problems that may be encountered when schools must be closed.
Emergency Calling Notification
- ManvilleSchools.org
- District-Wide Emergency Calling System
- REMIND Text Message
- District-Wide Email
- Posting on Social Media
- Manville Police Department
School Closing
The decision to close schools is made in collaboration with the Borough of Manville and the Manville Police Department. This decision will be made as soon as practicable. As soon as the decision is made, the Superintendent will promptly:
- Activate the District-Wide emergency calling, email, and text message systems;
- Place an announcement on the district website.
- Place an announcement on the district social media tools.
Delayed Opening
- When circumstances are such as to require the late opening of school, the school day will ordinarily be delayed by two hours. All beginning schedules will be in effect, modified only by the two-hour delay.
- The decision to delay the opening of school will be made as soon as practicable.
- Notice of the delayed opening will be given in accordance with the information identified above.
- The principal of each school will modify the school's schedule to accommodate the shorter day. Morning schedules may be canceled. After-school and athletic events may be canceled.
- Lunch will be served as usual, but may be delayed.
- Breakfast will not be served.
Early Dismissal
A decision to close school early will be promptly relayed to:
- ManvilleSchools.org
- District-Wide Emergency Calling System
- REMIND Text Message
- District-Wide Email
- Posting on Social Media
Last Modified on June 1, 2022